Effects of today’s global economy

Nations trade with one another for the same reason that  individuals and business firms within a country trade: both sides expect to benefit from the transaction. They benefit because trade enables them to exchange things they dont need for the…

Top Reasons of Economic failure

The global economy is referred to the economic status of the world’s countries or even to the global society. Economic status has been fragmented and become stagnant throughout globally. An abrupt fluctuation in global finances has been observed distinctively. Opulence…

Development of less developed countries by transnational companies

International Development is the development of greater quality of life for humans. It therefore encompasses foreign aid, governance, healthcare, education, gender equality, disaster preparedness, infrastructure, economics, human rights, environment and issues associated with these. International development seeks to implement long-term…

Global financial centers: New York and London

New York and London are global financial centers, which in practice mean a great impact on these markets, most processes occurring in the global economy. New York – the center of the U.S. capital market. New York retained the title…

International Economic and Trade Organizations

There are many international organizations functioning all over the world. They differ in their spheres of interest and size however all of them have their influence on international business relations. Trade organizations are voluntary associations between countries, formed with the…

What are the Theories of International Trade

There are a few theories of international trade. One of the most famous is the theory of absolute advantage by Adam Smith. It’s main position are: 1) government should not interfere in the foreign trade regime to maintain open markets…