Categories Business

Common New-Hire Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

The fun thing about being a hiring manager is that you never stop learning. The not-so-fun thing is that you usually learn through mistakes. The competition for talent, limited budget, workforce planning, and not having access to the right system…

Categories eCommerce

Sales Intelligence Tools for Prospecting

Do you feel like converting prospects into customers is getting increasingly difficult? If you do, you are not alone as more than 40% of salespeople say prospecting is the most challenging part of the sales process. Years of experience have…

How to Own A Business as an Introvert

Life is easy for extroverts. They are talkative, make friends easily, and don’t have any problems participating in groups or teams. Introverts, however, suffer a much bigger pressure when facing other people, which can even interfere with their business plans.…

Categories Business eCommerce

Big Data Hype and the Rise of AI

If you’re into technology and online marketing, then you’ve definitely heard of the big data concept. It’s everywhere. Since it’s so prevalent in online marketing guides, you might assume that it’s absolutely necessary to infuse your strategy with big data…

Categories eCommerce Investing

The Fascinating E-Commerce Era of Precious Metals

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the digital realm continues to reshape traditional industries. One such sector experiencing a significant transformation is the precious metals market. The advent of e-commerce has ushered in a new era for gold, silver,…

Categories Finance

Making the Right Choice: New Credit Car or Used Old Car?

Choosing between buying a new car on credit or purchasing a used car can be a significant decision. Each option comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of buying a…